20.11.2019 • 

"as the unpleasant truth has come upon us that assimilation in this country was proceeding on lines very different from those
we had marked out for it, we found ourselves inclined to blame those who were thwarting our we blamed the war,
we blamed the germans. and then we discovered with a moral shock that these movements had been making great headway
before the war even began. we found they became more and more firmly established and more and more prosperous, to
cultivate more and more assiduously the literatures and cultural traditions of their homelands. assimilation, in other words,
instead of washing out the memories of europe, made them more and more intensely real."
randolph s. bourne, july 1916
the author of this passage believes that
congress should ban immigration from germany.
americans and europeans are still closely linked.
americans do not identify with the european world.
europeans should not be allowed into the united states.

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