16.02.2021 • 

At the turn of the century, Americans no longer wish to passively sit by and watch their economy and society change for the worse. As such, so began an era of change often called the
(terms) Era.
(people) became known for his trust busting; using both the courts and federal
acts as such as
(terms), monopolies were made illegal. This made for more fair business
practices. Additionally,
(people) writing Investigative reports and exposing horrible and unfair
working conditions led to reforms of labor and factory working conditions, as well as general consumer safety
laws. A good example of this is seen when examining the meat packing Industry;
's (people)
(terms), about the dangerous and dirty conditions of factories in Chicago led to federal
legislation such as
(terms) to regulate the meat packing Industry and protect consumers from
eating tainted meat

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