09.01.2020 • 

Before you begin
you begin, list the expenses you might have if you were living alone, and estimate how much
a need to budget each month to pay for them. you may have to research local housing prices and
ty costs to make this as accurate as possible. ask for some budget figures from people who are
eady living on their own. once you've done this, make categories for your expenses. then, total up
your monthly budget to see what you'd have to earn in order to live on your own. (20 points) 1. how
much would you have to earn each month to cover your living expenses? does this seem like a
realistic income for you? 2. did anything about your estimated monthly budget surprise you? 3. what
kinds of preparations and sacrifices might you have to make to live on your own? 4. how does the
prospect of moving out seem in light of this budget?

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