26.05.2021 • 

Below is a student's writing sample. They were asked to include textual evidence using the ICE strategy: Romeo faces an external conflict when Mercutio and Benvolio force him to go to the Capulet party. “And we mean well in going to
this mask But tis no wit to go." (Shakespeare, 45) This is an external conflict because Romeo is struggling against his friends. The
conflict indirectly characterizes Romeo as cautious and responsible, because Romeo's gut is telling him going to the Capulet feast is a
bad idea and he wants to listen to it.
Which of the following does the student need to revise? Select ALL that apply.

A. The quote is missing.
B. The period after the quote should be moved.
C. The explanation is incorrect.
D. The quote is not introduced.
E. The citation is incorrect.
OF. The explanation is too short.
G. There are many spelling errors.
H. The quotation marks are missing.

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