08.05.2021 • 

Boeree: War Message of President fames Polk, Washington, May 11, 1846 Note: Alter President Polk esked Congress members to go to war with Mexico, a vote was held Congress
Voted whether or not the US should go to war on May 1846 with the following results

US Smute: 40 Yes, 2 No - House of Representatives: 174 Yes, Id No.
To the Senate and House of Representatives
(In an earlier message informed you that I had ordered an efficient military force to take a
position between the Nueces and the Del Norte (Rio Grande) This hand become necessary, to meet a
threatened invasion of Texas by the Mexican forces. The invasion was threatened solely because
Texas had determined to annex berset to our Union; and under these curcumstances, it was
plainly our duty to extend our protection over her citizens and soil
The Congress of Texas, by its act of December 19, 136, had declared the Rindel Norte to be the
boundary of that republic. The country between that river and the Del Norte is now included
within one of our congressional districts. It became, therefore, of urgent necessity to provide for
the defense of that portion of our country
(On the 24th of April) a party of sixty three men and allicers, were dispatched from the
American cump up the Rio del Norte, an its (Northbank, to ascertain whether the Mexican troops
had crossed, or were preparing to cross the river. (They became engaged with a large body of
there (Mexican) tronps, and, after a short affair, in which some sixteen (Americans) were killed and
wounded, appear to have been surrounded and compelled to surrender...
We have tried every effort at reconciliation. The cup of forbearance had been exhausted even before
the recent information from the frontier of the Del Norte, But now, Mexico has passed the
boundary of the United States, has invaded our territory and shed American blood upon the American soil

What is the central idea of this document?cite evidence from the document!.

According to this document was the United States justified in going to war with Mexico ?

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