15.12.2021 • 

But to return from this digression to the importance and justness of admitting the idea of an equality between the sexes; how greatly doth a man of science misjudge in choosing a companion for life, if he selects one from the class of the ignorant and untaught, that he may, by this mean, the more securely retain his favorite supremacy... Shall the women be kept ignorant, to render her more docile in the management of domestic concerns? How fully capable is such a person of being a companion for a man of refinement? How miserably capable of augmenting his social joys, or managing prudently the concerns of a family, or educating his children? Is it not of the utmost consequence, that the tender mind of the youth receive an early direction for future usefulness? and is it not equally true, that the first direction of a child necessarily becomes the immediate and peculiar province of the woman? And may I not ask, is not a woman of a capacious and well stored mind, a better wife, a better widow, a better mother, and a better neighbor; and shall I add, a better friend in every respect? The Female Advocate, anonymous, 1801

The ideas described in the excerpt most directly foreshadowed which of the following immediate developments?

The establishment of a prominent role for women in American politics
The hiring of women as a labor force in textile mills in the Northeast
The push for voting rights for women
Promotion of the ideals of the “Republican Motherhood”

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