15.12.2021 • 

Can someone check my answers?1. What approach to development did the Brundtland Commission propose?-Sustainable development2. A person who adapts an antrhopocentric view-Is concerned more with how the environment impacts people's lives3. Which of the following is not an example of a sustainable development project?-financing projects to clear rainforest land for cattle grazing4. Which is not an exmaple of a goal that many countries agreed to have accomplished by 2015?-Issue reparations to all countries that suffered high amounts of casualties from past major wars5. What is the objective of the Dashboard of Substainability?-To illustrate the complex relationships among economic, social, and environmental issues6.Which country's action would be in violation of section II of the Agenda 21 Plan?-The Brazilian government mandates the claring of 200 acres in order to generate revenue from exported lumber7. The adoption of the Agenda 21 comprehensive plan-outlines local, national, and global efforts that would help imporve the envirionment8. Which person would most likely not be impacted by the Agenda 21 plan?-scientist from NASA9. Which of the following topics would not relate to substainable living?-single-use containers

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