25.11.2019 • 

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abraham lincoln was the 16th american president. abraham lincoln was born on february 12th, 1809 in small cabin in kentucky. he had a difficult early life because his mother died and his father lost everything so they moved to southern indiana in 1816 to have better life. he was a smart lad growing up even though he only attended school for a short period of time. when he was younger he taught himself how to read books and when he was done with his book he would go around to neighbors to see if they had any books for him to read. when he was young, abraham had a variety of jobs like shopkeeper, surveyor, and postmaster. he then was elected into government at the age of 25.

abraham lincolon became president of the united states in 1860. when he was a lawyer he was giving a speech for slaves he was good speaker everyone was like him during this time. he was famous for leading the north in the civil war. he let slaves free.

abraham lincoln was killed by john wilkes booth in 1865. lincoln was killed while he was watching a play with his wife. he had died later the next morning on april 15,1865.

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