17.04.2021 • 

Ch. 31 Quiz – “Years of Crisis” 1919-1939 Answer the following questions in a paragraph for each question. You must answer 4 questions…you make skip 1. Use the suggested terms, ideas, and or topics that the question addresses. Make sure to completely answer the entire question.

Analyze how Germany was driven into a depression after WW 1. Make sure to describe events and topics related to Weimar Republic, Treaty of Versailles, Reparations, inflation.

Describe in detail 5 key elements of Fascism, as it originated in Italy under Benito Mussolini. Identify how each element worked, and what it contributed to in a totalitarian dictatorship in Italy.

Analyze how the Nazi, fascist, “Third Reich” rose to power in Germany. This is a complex question, make sure your analysis includes details from class video, textbook, notes, to explain how a country willingly gave power to one man.

Use the following source in the box to answer this question: How does Hitler and his ideology appeal to this individual’s conversion to Nazism?

Nazi Ambassador to Canada in a pamphlet entitled “I Had Given Him My Heart,” (1938) referring to his conversion to Nazism during a political rally in the early 1930s.

Hitler’s words were like lightning. When he spoke of the disgrace of Germany, I felt ready to spring on any enemy…glancing around, I saw that his magnetism was holding these thousands as one….I was a man of 32, weary of disgust and disillusionment, a wanderer seeking a cause….a yearner after the heroic without a hero. The intense will of the man, the passion of his sincerity, seemed to flow from him into me. I experienced a feeling that could be likened only to a religious conversion ….I felt sure that no-one who heard Hitler that night that he was the man of destiny…I had given him my heart.

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