22.09.2021 • 

Choose the SIX (6) statements in this passage that INCORRECTLY describe an aspect of how Texas was added to the Untied States. Texas became an independent republic in 1830, and for the next decade a debate would rage in Texas and in the United States: should Texas become
part of the United States of America. While most of the people in the government of the Republic of Texas were from the United States,
the republic had been founded by people lured to Mexican Texas at the prospect of inexpensive land. But problems involving debt and diplomacy caused
many in the republic to look to become part of the U.S. However, people in the United States were not so sure.
A concern in the Federal government of the United States was that adding Texas to the U.S. would upset the balance between "Free" and "Slave
states in Congress. If added, Texas would most likely become a "Free State,' resulting in a major disadvantage to Southern states. This specific concern and
"sectionalism' in general- weighed on the minds of many in the U.S. Another concern was over diplomacy: adding Texas to the U.S. could trigger a war.
This threat of a war with Mexico was the biggest concern for most lawmakers in the US government.
In 1844, President James Buchanan-a Northerner from Pennsylvania. formally introduced an annexation treaty to the U.S. Senate. Texas become a territory-
and eventually a state-of the U.S. In return, the U.S. government would pay all of Texas' debts, and Texas would turn over all public, government-
owned lands to the U.S. government. In the end, after three weeks of debate, the Senate rejected the treaty,
However, the Election of 1844 offered another chance for Texas.
James K. Polk of Tennessee- a Southern "slave state-won, and had campaigned openly in favor of adding Texas to the Union. His victory was seen as a
Doll did

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