18.02.2020 • 

Directions: Review the four claims below. Find evidence for the four claims from the documents provided and fill out the charts as prompted. Claim #1: Most immigrants that arrived in America during the Gilded Age came from Western Europe. Find one piece of evidence to support this claim. Document your findings in the chart below. Evidence Source Connect evidence to the claim Doc 2 Claim #2: Industrialization in America was one of the pull factors for immigration to the United States among European immigrants. Find evidence from two different sources to support this claim. Document your findings in the chart below. Evidence Source Connect evidence to the claim Claim #3: Both immigration and industrialization led to urbanization in America during the Gilded Age. Find evidence from two different sources to support this claim. Document your findings in the chart below. Evidence Source Connect evidence to the claim Claim #4: During the Gilded Age, urbanization, caused by immigration and industrialization, led to cities struggling with basic infrastructure (ex: housing, water, sanitation). Find two pieces of evidence to support this claim. Document your findings in the chart below. Evidence Source Connect evidence to the claim Document 1a: Immigration in the Gilded Age: Change or Continuity? By Roger Daniels - Magazine of History Volume 13 No 4 (1999)

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