10.10.2020 • 

Directions: Upload the document or slide show presentation that you created from the information on your Venn diagram. After reviewing what you’ve learned about the Ottoman Empire, compare and contrast in note form. Detail the religious and ethnic tolerance, political organization, and commercial activity and contrast this information with what you’ve learned about the Mughal Empire.

Ask yourself:
What made each empire strong?

What led to each empires’ decline?

How did invaders treat the holy places?

Feel free to formulate other questions that help you find similarities and differences. You may research independently, but keep in mind that everything needs to be organized in note (or outline) form, not sentences.

Next, take your notes and arrange them in a Venn diagram. You may complete this chart in a document or a slide show presentation. Be sure to label everything so that it is easily understood. Use specific examples to provide a clear answer. Generalizations don’t provide enough information.

( i know this is a lot of work I am sorry, this is on Odyssey.ware, not my fault)

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