30.04.2021 • 

During the morning we arrived on a broad causeway which separated the Lakes Chilco from the Lakes of Xochimilco, and when we saw so many cities and villages built on the water, and other great towns on dry land, and that straight and level causeway, we were amazed and said that it was like the enchantment they tell of in the legend of Amadis, on account of the towers and pyramids and buildings rising from the water, and all built of masonry. Some of our soldiers even asked whether some of the things we saw were not a dream?" - Account of Bernal Diaz del Castillo. According to the excerpt above, why were European explorers amazed by the Aztec civilization? * A) It developed a commercial economy without access to an abundant supply of raw materials. B) It was greatly urbanized with complex cities under the control of a central ruler and a sophisticated lifestyle..
C) It depended on the military as a labor force for building monumental architecture.
D) It had developed a monotheistic religion that closely resembled Christianity.

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