06.01.2021 • 

Eleanor Williams is a wealthy woman from New York City. Her husband’s business earns enormous wealth and honor for the family. She is also related to several members of the House
of Lords in the British Parliament. She worries about the amount of violence being committed by
mobs protesting the influx of British laws. Eleanor and her husband fear that their wealth and
their connections to Britain may cause them to be targets of the mob.
Loyalist or Patriot?

Oliver Taylor is a wealthy tea merchant in Boston. Taylor’s loves to make money and he
doesn’t care if he violates the law. Since the Townshend Acts placed a tax on tea, Taylor has
been illegally importing tea from the Dutch. His ships usually have to hide from the British navy
and British customs officials who can board his ships for inspection. He has been caught
smuggling tea, but has been able to buy off officials.
Loyalist or Patriot?

Ojistah is a Mohawk American Indian from the Iroquois league. Although the confederacy
wanted to remain neutral, it has been drawn into the war. Now the league is split with not only
nation fighting nation, but individual Iroquois within each nation are taking different sides.
Because of the old alliances with the British Crown, and the view that the colonial settlers are a
bigger threat to the invasion of their lands, a majority of the nations of the Iroquois Confederacy
have sided with the British government. Only the Oneida and Tuscarora have given major
support to the Americans. Even though Ojistah is not an American colonist and can’t be labeled
as a loyalist or patriot, which group did he most likely side with?
Loyalist or Patriot?

Henry Jones is a poor farmer in the rural New York. Jones usually doesn’t pay any attention to
what is going on in the city or the rest of the colonies. His attention is focused on the struggles
to maintain his farm and feeding his family. Recently, his problems have become worse. Jones’
landowner, a Loyalist, has had some financial problems is trying to get out of debt. He has
raised Jones’ rent a few times, but Jones’ barely earns enough from selling his crops to pay the
increase and feed his family. Henry Jones will be evicted from his farm. He and his wife have
five children and fear they will forced off their farm and be homeless.
Loyalist or Patriot?

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