06.12.2019 • 

Excerpt from this side of paradise by f. scott fitzgerald

“i simply state that i'm a product of a versatile mind in a restless generation—with every reason to throw my mind and pen in with the radicals. even if, deep in my heart, i thought we were all blind atoms in a world as limited as a stroke of a pendulum, i and my sort would struggle against tradition; try, at least, to displace old cants with new ones. i've thought i was right about life at various times, but faith is difficult.”

use the passage to answer the question. in what way does this excerpt reflect american culture in the 1920s? a. it illustrates how many young authors rejected science in favor of fundamentalism. b. it expresses a disillusionment about the world that certain individuals felt. c. it refers to the growing acceptance of nativism among immigrants in the u.s. d. it shows how most men did not approve of women taking on nontraditional roles.

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