12.03.2021 • 

Fill in the blanks. Anyone wanna help me? Adolf Hitler & the Nazi Party
• gains support in the Nazi Party by attacking the hated Treaty of
• Blames Germany’s problems on and
• Appointed of Germany in 1933
• Transforms the into the Third Reich, a total dictatorship
Germany Under Nazi Rule
• Hitler wanted to create a Aryan people would be
considered a pure race and superior to other people
• or prejudice against Jews had been around for centuries
Nazi Leaders
• was the head of the Nazi Propaganda Ministry and
controlled all communications
• Encouraged to eliminate other ideas
• led the SS – the Nazi’s secret police
• Formed death squads known as the
• One of the architects of the and death camps
• helped to organize the Holocaust
• Was in charge of transporting Jews from ghettos to
The Nuremberg Laws
• Passed in
• Said anyone with any would be considered a Jew
• Further restrictions were placed and of the Jews increased.
• Kristallnacht - took place November 1938.
• Jewish stores, houses, and were systematically destroyed
• Marks the beginning of widespread government-led against Jews
Jews in Germany
• created where all people with Jewish ancestry had to register with the government
• Jews had to wear the badge everywhere they went
• Forced to live in isolated
The Final Solution
• Plan developed in 1942 to all Jews from Europe
• Jewish people from across were taken to concentration camps
• In the camps they were used for or killed
The Camps
• Many could better be classified as camps - set up to kill
a mass number of Jewish people

carried out experiments on Jewish people at Auschwitz

Rescue and Resistance
• resistance movements were formed to assist Jews in escaping
• The residents of - a village in the south of
France helped thousands of Jews escape to freedom
• Uprising - April 19, 1943
• Jews were able to hold off German to avoid being
taken to the concentration camps
• Eventually lost the battle – were killed and were deported.
• The resistance group distributed anti-Nazi pamphlets
• Led by students
• Caught by authorities and killed in 1942
Liberation of the Camps
• forces reach camps starting in summer 1944
• forces liberate and camps in Poland and Eastern Germany
• forces liberate Buchenwald and camps in the west
The Nuremberg Trials
• As the war ended, many top Nazis committed
• 22 major Nazi criminals were tried for their crimes in
• Most claimed to be
• were sentenced to death
• Some escaped to where they hid for years

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