11.10.2020 • 

For this project, you are writing a formal essay, educating fellow students on two government crisis agencies that have assisted during a time of emergency. After finalizing your essay, you will create a short presentation to share with others. The essay must be at least five hundred words in length. The first paragraph should introduce the importance of having a prepared crisis response plan, and the specific crisis event you will be discussing. The two body paragraphs must inform your audience of the history of the government agencies that intervened in the specific crisis you are writing about, and how exactly they provided support and aid to people.
Cite specific textual evidence from your sources that will support the development of these paragraphs. The conclusion paragraph needs to address a claim or counterclaim for the future funding of governmental aid agencies. Include any discrepancies you may have encountered in your research. You may create your own graphics to display, or you can refer to those you found in your research.

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