12.11.2019 • 

For this project, you will be required to submit two essays. it is recommended that you use an outline to you plan out the structure of your writings.
essay one:
a man claiming to be working to fight against fraud has been posting threatening comments on twitter. widely considered the place for free speech, twitter has, instead, banned the posts. the man claims infringement on his freedom of speech. what do you say? using recent newspaper articles, the internet and other local press outlets, discuss the matter. what do you consider is protected under the freedom of speech amendment? when does that speech go too far? is twitter obligated to post the man’s tweets? persuasively argue both sides of the issue, then give your opinion. make certain you ground your opinion rather than give an emotional response. find other precedents, or cite the constitution to ground your opinion. this essay should be 250-350 words.

essay two:

carefully consider the case above. read newspapers, magazines, and other media outlets, including the internet, to identify another freedom of speech issue or case here in america, or internationally, then write about it. try to find something that offers a different view of freedom of speech. what is the issue, and what are the arguments? present the case, then analyze it. what does each side argue, and what is at stake? now, carefully think through the issue, and formulate your own opinion. do you think the ruling was just? defend your opinion with supporting information. this essay should also be 250-350 words.

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