20.04.2021 • 

Full text, no files The Course of War (10 Questions)

How was the Union plan for victory more aggressive than the Confederate plan?

What are Virginia and the Monitor and what was important about them?

What conclusions can you draw from the first battles of the Civil War?

How did the Confederates have felt after the Battles of Fredericksburg and Chancellorsville?.

Why was the capture of Fort Henry and Fort Donelson critical to the Union’s overall war strategy?

Which battles did the Confederacy and the Union win in the early years of the war (from this chapter)?

How did the early battles of the war reflect broader patterns in the war?

What can you conclude from the fact that spectators accompanied Union troops to Bull Run to watch the battle and were in a festive mood?

Summarize the problems that a successful blockade of southern ports would cause.

What do the battles and events that you have read about so far lead you to predict about the war? Provide some details to support your prediction.

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