28.10.2021 • 

Grant Texas Sherman Anaconda Mississippi gunboats Pemberton diseases Gettysburg 1 The Union navy designed these with paddle wheels and armor to siege Vicksburg 2. Vicksburg was located on this major river 3 This plan of General Scott's was complete with the Siege of Vicksburg 4 Union general in charge of taking over Vicksburg 5 Confederate state left isolated after the Siege of Vicksburg 6. The Confederacy lost another major battle in this Pennsylvania town in July 1863 7 Union general who was in charge of destroying railroad lines and supplies 8. Confederate general who resigned after Vicksburg, but continued to fight 9 Many soldiers in Vicksburg died from these before they surrendered

Grant Texas Sherman Anaconda Mississippi gunboats Pemberton diseases Gettysburg 1 The Union navy de

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