07.01.2021 • 

Help me answer these 7 questions. 5 are short answer and 2 are Multiple Choice. (THIS IS NOT OPTIONAL) (THIS IS DUE BY 10:30 PM TODAY) (BE SERIOUS & NO RANDOM ANSWERS) 1. How did white southerners react to the Dred Scott decision?

2. How did African-Americans react to the Dred Scott decision?

3. How did white Northerners react to the Dred Scott decision?

4. Why did the Dred Scott decision to make the Missouri Compromise unconstitutional?

5. What was the significance of the decision in the Dred Scott case? Needs to be in 2-3 sentences.

6. The Dred Scott decision had a major impact on life in the United States because it————

A. Limited the power of the Supreme Court to rule on cases of race
B. Supported Congress. Right to for bed slavery in the territories.
C. Re-opened the issue of slavery in the territories.
D. Reaffirmed the presidents right to serve more than 2 terms in office.

7. The supreme court ruling in Dred Scott v. Sandford had important effect on life in the United States because the decision-

A. Prohibited slavery in lands west of the Mississippi River
B. Gave full citizenship to all enslaved people
C. Denied Congress to the power to regulate slavery in the territories
D. Allowed for the importation of enslaved people for 10 years.


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