09.01.2021 • 

Help me please and thank you. (Triumph in England and the enlightenment) 14 questions. 1.which of the following would Locke most favor?
- republic
- oligarchy
- theocracy
- absolute monarchy

2. why was James I resistant to working with Parliament?
- he believed in the absolute power of kings.
- He did not agree with policies of the prime minister.
- He wanted to strengthen the church of England.
- He wanted to create a limited monarchy.

3. which statement gives the best summary of the English Bill of Rights?
- The bill ensured superiority of Parliament over the monarchy.
- The bill established a shared authority to levy taxes.
- The bill gave the monarch the authority to prosecute without charging the individual with a crime.
- The act established shared authority between Parliament and the monarch to provide a citizen with a trial by jury.

(OMG Im typing this all because it wont let me copy and paste anything. Takin forever -_-)
4. To protect liberty, what did Montesquieu propose?
-he proposed that people entrust their rights to a strong monarch.
-he proposed that government be divided into separate branches.
-he proposed that property be distributed equally among all people.
-he proposed that the press should have completed freedom.

5. Who believed that the best economic system was one in which businesses compete to gain profit with minimal or no government control?
- John Locke
- Adam Smith
- Thomas Hobbes
- Jean-Jacques Rousseau

6. Rousseau wrote, "Man is born free, and everywhere he is in chains." What kind of government did he favor in order to ensure greater freedom?
- an absolute monarchy
- an enlightenment monarchy
- an oligarchy
- a popularly elected government

7. Which form of government did Hobbes think could best maintain social order?
-constitutional monarchy
- aristocracy
-absolute monarchy

8. What was the impact of the English Bill of Rights on the development of democracy in England?
- it ensured parliament's total control over the monarchy
- it made parliament dependent upon the monarchy
-it gave parliament essential powers independent of the monarchy
- it upheld the principle of social equality for all citizens.

9. Which of the following was a significant result of the Glorious Revolution?
-English kings lost all their power
-English King, James II, was overthrown
-The theaters were reopened in England
-parliament accepted the divine right of kings

10. which of the following characterizes the economic system favored by Adam Smith?
-profit is not the main goal o business.
-mercantilism creates a favorable balance of trade
-supply and demand regulate business
-the government intervenes in the economy when needed

11. which statement describes the influence of Elizabeth I on England?
-her clever secret diplomacy and many successful wars made her popular with the English people.
-her skillful use of personal advisors to communicate her wishes to parliament promoted stability
-her continuing support to English explorers in the Americas brought in vast supplies of silver and gold
-her great inherited wealth made requesting funds from parliament rarely necessary, which minimized conflicts

12. Elizabeth I's relationship with parliament demonstrated which of the following to other countries?
- a parliament can control a female absolute ruler
- good relations between a female absolute monarch and a parliament are not important
-a female absolute monarch should consult a parliament for advise in emergencies

13. who were the oligarchs that controlled elections to the house of commons? select all that applies (2)
-talented craftsmen
-wealthy businessmen
-affluent landowners
-rich tenant farmers

14. How did the British oligarchs threaten the livelihood of the poor? select all that applies
- they bought common lands
-they manipulated grain prices
-they evicted tenant farmers
-they constructed faulty houses.

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