07.11.2020 • 

Hi i like you hi sup Please follow the directions on this assignment. Click on "Your Work" to get started. After you have written your constructed response, turn it in. I will read what you have written and return this assignment to you with comments. To return your writing click TURN IN. DO NOT CLICK SHARE! Be sure to read the comments, so you can improve your writing. To read my comments, click "View Assignment" and look on the right side of your screen. You can send me comments if you have questions. Once you have improved your writing, turn it into me again. We will continue sending your writing back and forth until you have reached 5 points. You will receive 1 point for each of the parts of R.A.C.E.S. (restate, answer, cite, explain, and sum it up). You can combine restating and answering in one sentence. Work on improving your writing each day this week. Your final writing is due by Sunday night.
Class comments
Your work
Turned in

King Lear - Constructed Response (4th Grade) Reginald Kelley - King Lear - Constructed Response (4th Grade)

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