21.11.2019 • 

Honors assessment the united nations educational, scientific and cultural organization (unesco) is charged with preserving sites of specific historical, cultural and natural importance. to this end, it has devised a world heritage list. it has nominated and granted protected status to hundreds of places across the world that are on this list. many of these sites record the history of ancient and medieval peoples, such as those who built the kingdoms and empires of africa. why should we protect and learn about the remains of cities such as aksum and great zimbabwe? that is what you are researching and presenting in this honors assessment. review the content of the lesson. then, visit the world heritage list and other internet sites to learn more about the historical sites related to medieval african cities and kingdoms. you will create a public service announcement about three world heritage sites. it will include why these sites are important and should be protected. a public service announcement is similar to a commercial whose purpose is to advertise and promote something. steps: select and investigate three of the following world heritage sites: site name associated city or kingdom approximate dates aksum axum 1st–13th century bce archaeological sites of the island of meroe meroe 8th century bce–4th century ce great zimbabwe national monument great zimbabwe 1100–1450 ce lamu old town swahili 13th–19th century ce rock-hewn churches, lalibela ethiopia 13th century ce tombs of buganda kings buganda (bunyoro-kitara) 19th century ce create your public service announcement. for each of the three world heritage sites you chose, be sure to include: a paragraph description of the site, including how it relates to the associated african city or kingdom an image that you feel best represents the site a paragraph explanation of why the site is worth preserving you may choose a web 2.0 tool to create your public service announcement. visit the web 2.0 tools area of the course for additional ideas and resources.

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