04.09.2020 • 

How does this excerpt relate to the rise of the Nazi Party in Germany?
Examine the excerpt from the Treaty of Versailles.
In order to enable the Allied and Associated Powers to
proceed at once to the restoration of their industrial and
economic life... Germany shall pay ...
(1) 20,000,000,000 Marks gold bearer bonds, payable
not later than May 1, 1921, without interest.
(2) 40,000,000,000 Marks gold bearer bonds, bearing
interest at 2 percent, per annum between 1921 and
1926, and thereafter at 5 percent, per annum with an
additional 1 percent.
(3) A further installment of 40,000,000,000 Marks gold 5
percent bearer bonds, the time and mode of payment
of principal and interest to be determined by the
The Nazi Party was put in power to help manage the
payment of these reparations.
The Nazis promised to grow the country's economy
so these debts could be repaid quickly
O The Nazis rose in response to Germans'
desperation over the economic hardships created by
these debts.
O The Nazi Party was voted into power to force
German people to pay their taxes in order to pay off
these debts.

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