12.12.2019 • 

I'm taking my 40 question unites states history a: final exam, i need ! i'm failing but if i get at least 90% on this i will pass. me!

1: which of these statements about president mckinley best identifies him as an expansionist?

a: he initially hesitated to enter into war with spain.
b: he feared that new u.s. naval ships were untested.
c: he paid spain a large sum to secure the philippines.
d: he put out a national call for men to join the military.

2. what is chief joseph's response to western settlement an example of?

a. surrender
b. protest
c. assimilation
d. aggression

3. why was annexing hawaii important to the u.s.?

a. hawaii had few trade options.
b. hawaii was home to many americans.
c. hawaii was under the influence of the british.
d. hawaii was a strategic location for a naval base.

4. how did theodore roosevelt use big stick diplomacy to construct the panama canal?

a. roosevelt threatened to invade and colonize colombia.
b. roosevelt supported panama's revolution against colombia.
c. roosevelt negotiated with nicaragua and colombia to build the canal.
d. roosevelt sent a naval fleet to force colombia to give up land for the canal.

5. what was an unintended consequence of william howard taft's use of dollar diplomacy in u.s. relations with latin america?

a. it caused latin american countries to increasingly resent u.s. interference in their affairs.
b. it caused the u.s. to focus on latin america instead of pursuing its foreign policy goals in asia.
c. it caused military conflicts with european countries who also had economic interests in latin america.
d. it caused damage to the u.s. economy by encouraging over investment in unstable latin american countries.

6. germany and other european nations invested in larger and more modern naval armaments. this is an example of what factor that led to world war i?

a. militarism
b. alliances
c. imperialism
d. nationalism

7. who were the harlem hellfighters?

a. an african american jazz band that first appeared in new york city during the 1920s
b. an organization of african american intellectuals that fought against segregation
c. an african american women’s group that rallied for suffrage rights
d. an infantry regiment of african american soldiers that served in world war i

8. which is a true statement about how world war i affected working conditions in the united states?

a. the federal government agreed to support labor unions in return for a no-strike promise from unions.
b. labor unions agreed to pay cuts and longer working hours to support the war effort.
c. business owners and corporations agreed to less profit for shareholders for the duration of the war.
d. the military promised veterans good jobs in the labor force once they returned home from war.

9. despite president woodrow wilson’s efforts, the united states never officially signed the treaty of versailles. why was this the case?

a. germany declined to take public responsibility for the death and destruction of world war i.
b. many u.s. senators opposed the league of nations and voted against the treaty.
c. wilson suffered a stroke in 1919 and was unable to personally approve the treaty.
d. wilson withdrew the originally worded treaty after democrats in the senate amended it.

10. trace the impact of world war i on prohibition and the women’s suffrage movement. arrange events in order, starting with the first on top.

1. congress ratifies the women's suffrage amendment.
2.the united states enters world war i.
3. congress ratifies the prohibition amendment.
4. world war i ends.

11. what was a common policy feature of the republican presidents in the 1920s?

a. support for progressive domestic policies
b. laissez-faire economic policies
c. reliance on imports to stimulate the economy
d. interference in foreign affairs

12. what was the purpose of the morrill acts of 1862 and 1890?

a. they privatized the ivy league schools.
b. they required the opening of women’s colleges.
c. they set aside land and money for affordable land-grant colleges.
d. they encouraged hiring teachers with specific subject knowledge.

13. how did charles lindbergh’s flight to paris affect the aviation industry in the 1920s?

a. the aviation industry experienced a decline because of increased fear among americans about air travel.
b. the aviation industry experienced a decline because of better alternatives, such as the automobile, for travel.
c. the aviation industry experienced a boom because americans felt safer flying in an airplane.
d. the aviation industry had to develop more comprehensive guidelines and training for flights between coastal cities.

14. what was a pull factor for european immigrants in the late 1800s?

a. crop failures on european farms
b. factory jobs in american cities
c. literacy requirements in the u.s.
d. religious persecution in europe

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