29.10.2020 • 

I NEED THESE ANSWERS QUICK 1. Which of the following statements is the most accurate?
A. The Dakota aligned with the French, pushing the Ojibwe farther west.
B. The Dakota and Ojibwe tribes lived peacefully, roaming the land hunting bison and sharing food.
C. Both the Dakota and Ojibwe tribes made shelters that were easily moved.
D. Both the Dakota and Ojibwe tribes fished in southern lakes.

2. One way that transportable shelters differed between the Ojibwe and Dakota tribes was that
A. the Ojibwe built tipis out of bison hide, and the Dakota primarily used birch bark to make wigwams.
B. the Dakota built tipis out of bison hide, and the Ojibwe primarily used birch bark to make wigwams.
C. the Dakota primarily used beaver pelt to make tipis, and the Ojibwe used bison hide.
D. the Ojibwe primarily used deerskin, and the Dakota used birch bark to make wigwams.

3. Which of the following statements is the most accurate?
A. The Dakota and Ojibwe tribes lived together peacefully in the plains.
B. The Dakota tribe moved in from the west, pushing the Ojibwe tribe farther east.
C. The Ojibwe tribe pushed the Dakota tribe farther west to the plains area.
D. The Dakota and Ojibwe tribes taught one another how to hunt, fish, and farm.

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