30.10.2020 • 

In this essay, (500 WORDS) you will compare and contrast the three major political revolutions discussed so far in this course: the Glorious Revolution in Great Britain, the American Revolution which created the United States of America, and the French Revolution, which unseated the Bourbon monarchy and led to a series of governments led by the Jacobins, the Thermidorians, the Directory, then Napoleon Bonaparte. Essay Prompt

Compare and contrast the Glorious Revolution, the American Revolution, and the French Revolution in terms of their:

What were some of the key causes behind these revolutions?
What grievances were people looking to address, and what solutions to social, political, and economic problems were addressed?
What were some of the specific goals of those seeking political reform?
Course of events
Compare the course of events for each revolution.
Who lost power? Who gained power?
Were these revolutions successful according to their original goals?
What major losses or gains were made?
What compromises ensued?

Introduction: open with a topic sentence: frame the background of the subject you are addressing
Identify the WHO, WHAT, WHEN and WHERE!
Describe the historically relevant details about setting and its context, as well as briefly introduce the sources you will be referring to in this essay.
Define the parameters of the question you are asked to respond to
Your thesis is an argumentative statement.
Take a stance in this statement, one which you will later back up with evidence from the sources you will be referencing.
Your statement should contain at least two-three general main points that you will be arguing.
Body Paragraphs #1-3
Introduce the first (then second, and third) point from your thesis that you will be defending.
Provide historically relevant background information and context
Use the appropriate source(s) as evidence for this portion of your overall claim
In the conclusion, you want to paraphrase your thesis and briefly reference the claims you elaborated on in the body paragraphs of your essay.

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