09.11.2020 • 

Informational Essay 1. Read the "Original Ten Amendments: The Bill of Rights" and familiarize yourself with
the concepts.
2. Complete the “Bill of Rights" chart: read the amendments again, summarize each one in
your own words, and write the application for at least five amendments. In other words,
the final column is an opportunity for you to state the amendment's relevancy or use in
today's world. For example, the first amendment protects American citizens' right to
practice whatever religion they want or a journalist's right to publish their opinion.
3. Review your chart, and choose the three most important or interesting amendments (to
4. Write an essay focusing on those three amendments. Be sure to include some of the
amendment's official language (in quotations) and paraphrase other parts in your own
words. Include at least one way each amendment you chose is still relevant today in each
body paragraph.

Informational Essay

1. Read the Original Ten Amendments: The Bill of Rights and familiarize you

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