17.03.2020 • 

Key Terms
Missionary –
Circumnavigate –
Cartography –
Caravel –

Why did European nations embark on voyages of exploration?

What type of ship was best suited to long ocean voyages and why?

How did the voyages of Columbus change Europeans view of the world?

What did Bartholomeu Dias and his crew prove when they sailed around the Cape of Good Hope?

What inventions helped sailors determine their location at sea?

How were the voyages of Columbus and Magellan similar and different?

Who gained and who lost because of italys control of the trade in the Nediterreanean? What did Portugal gain by finding an ocean route to India?

Key Terms

Conquistador –
Colonization –
Bullion –
Quipu –
Immunity –

Which of the two American Empires did the Spanish conquer?

What products from the Americas did the Spanish ships carry to Spain in large quantities?

What caused many native people to die even after the fighting was over?

Why did many native soldiers in Mexico decide to join forces with the Spanish Conquistadors?

Reread the quotation by Felipe Guaman Poma de Alala. How did his viewpoint differ from that of the Spaniards he described?

Why did the Spanish destroy the temples, statues, and books of the people they conquered?

What did the people of the Americas gain or lose from their dealings with the Spanish? Is it possible to have fair trade between a group of conquerors ad the people the conquered? Explain.

Key Terms
Columbian exchange –
Mercantilism –
Capitalism –
Cottage Industry –
Traditional Economy –
Markey Economy –

How did the age of exploration influence agriculture in the Eastern and Western Hemispheres?

According to Mercantilists, what is the main goal of trade?

How did capitalists tend to use their profits?

How did the Columbian Exchange alter the way Native Americans of the Great Plains lived?

In a mercantilist system, would all nations be able to prosper? Explain.

Who benefitted more from mercantilism, European nations or their colonies? Explain. How did the rise in land prices cause benefits for some people and losses for others?

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