23.01.2021 • 

Match the following items please help. 1. b.u.r.n.i.n.g o.f R.o.m.e, A.D. 64, 2. is.s.u.e.d E.d.i.c.t of Mi.la.n, 3. A.D. 325, 4. A.D. 313, 5. b.u.il.t def.e.ns.ive w.al.ls in no.rt.he.rn B.ri.ta.in, 6. Au.g.us.tus d.i.e.d, 7. pe.ri.o.d of an.ar.c.hy and de.cl.i.n.e, 8. tr.ie.d to re.vi.ve Ch.ri.st.ia.n p.e.r.s.e.c.u.t.i.o.n, 9. h.e.re.s.y de.n.y.in.g the T.r.in.i.ty, 10. St. Jerome, E.d.ic.t of M.il.a.n, Ha.d.ri.an, Ju.li.an, A.r.i.a.n.is.m, t.h.e V.u.l.g.a.t.e, C.o.u.n.ci.l of N.i..ca.e.a, A.D. 14, A.D. 193-285, N.e.ro, C.o.n.s.t.a.n.ti.ne.

I know It's hard read but it wouldn't let me ask it without doing that.

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