30.10.2020 • 

More about the image: For a year, Mehmed II planned to attack and take control of the great city of Constantinople. His men built fortresses, 31 ships, and the largest-gauge cannon known at the time. Despite opposition from some of his own advisors, Mehmed
assaulted the Byzantine city with his large forces and deadly cannons from April 6 to May 29, 1453. Mehmed himself led the final attack.
The sultan allowed three days of pillaging before taking control of the city. He quickly converted the cathedral Hagia Sophia into a
mosque and renamed the city Istanbul. Mehmed II would then spend many decades and much money having Istanbul rebuilt and
restored. This fresco, titled "Siege of Constantinople by Sultan Mehmet II (1432-81)" and painted in 1453, is from the Voronet Monastery
in Romania.
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QUESTION: Why do you think Mehmed II quickly converted the Christian cathedral, Hagia Sophia, into an Islamic mosque when he took over Constantinople? Why was
committing this act so important to him? (5-10 sentences)
Posted Thu 29 Oct 2020 at 12:08 pm

More about the image: For a year, Mehmed II planned to attack and take control of the great city of

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