23.07.2019 • 

N1787, states sent representatives to philadelphia to revise the articles of confederation . but after the representatives arrived, they realized the articles could not be saved, so they agreed to completely change the national government. what resulted was the creation of the . there were a number of compromises that had to be made before the new government could be created. one of these was regarding how would the new government would be structured. one plan for this was known as the : the government would consist of three branches: executive, judicial, and legislative. the legislative branch- would consist of houses, and each state would get representatives based on their population. an opposing plan was proposed by states with smaller populations. the called for government with a similar structure, but for a -house legislative branch with each state having equal representation, regardless of their population. but roger sherman from connecticut offered a compromise, a plan which is now known as either the or the . it turned out that it created the very government we have to this day. it created a 3-branch government: an branch headed by a president, a federal - with a supreme court of the country- and a 2-house congress: 1 based on u.s. constitution (house of representatives) and 1 in which each state, regardless of their population, would receive equal representation]] (the senate). this is a great example of that very important word: compromise: both sides got some of what they wanted, but gave up a little something to get it.

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