24.02.2020 • 

Officer Mendez arrives on the scene after receiving a call of an aggravated robbery. Officer Mendez sees two men who fit the description of the robbers, Jake and Brian, walking down the street. Officer Mendez details then and pats down the outer clothing of the two alleged suspects with the intent to remove any possible weapons for the safety of the officer but finds a bag of marijuana on both suspects. However, the two suspects do not have any evidence of the robbery nor do they have any weapons. Officer Mendez arrests both Jake and Brian for the possession of marijuana. Jake and Brian argue the marijuana should be suppressed, claiming it was obtained through an illegal search by Officer Mendez. Which of the following precedents shall Officer Mendez use in court to refute Jake and Brian's argument? * Brinegar v. United States (1949) Terry v. Ohio (1968) Mapp v. Ohio (1961) Weeks v. United States (1914)

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