23.01.2022 • 

PART 2: SUMMARY WRITING 12 MARKS Read the passage belor carefnly and answer the questions that follow it. The coconut tree belongs to the patio family and is considered the only living pecies of the Cocos genus. Cocomus are expected to luye mginaled froin the India Indonesia yozion. Coconut refers to Ohe coure palm: it is botanically a drype and not a nut. The inner fleshor' He Coconut isom important part of food for the people of the tropies and subtropics. This fruit drupas is considered highly versatile pe to s osc in a wide dinge of products from food to cosmetics. This frult is different from the luns because it contains a clear liquid in the endospe in an is generally Med as Chond mind In India Coconut finds significance in religion and Kulture and is most commonly used for varionls rituals, The trees have alveniemus Youts produced from a point called bole at the bike of the trunk. The rooxs of the trec do nor have hair and are not tap roots. The primary roots bakerge quantities ON roouets and Ure main root grows orizontally from the bold. The root brany grow daher into the soll und extend laterally to about 10m. The muximum diameter of the root is I chand the roots are almost uniform. The tip of the root is the active growing region behind this these is an absorbing area with a single layered spidermis. When the roots and the epidennis disintegrates and generally looks ied due to exposed hypodermis. The trunk is unbranched, creci, stout and cylindrical. The stem or trunk is circled by the leal base. The scars on the trunk determine the age of the tree and the trunk Arowe noticeublo in the first few years of planting. The thickness of the trunk or girth remains code or uniform for many yclirs, but gradually decreases as the tice grows older. The loves are crom the top of the tree like a crown. The new young leaves appear in the centre of he crown and in almost takes S months for the complete development of the leaf I is approximately estimated that a single coconut trec muy hnve around 15 open louves with 15 young leaves still emerging or different stages of development. Each leal is long, lincar with a sbort mid-rib, narrow lamina and parallel venntion. The inllorescence develops after 34 months from planting. Enclosed by a tough spathe is the spadix that is stout und erect. The plant or ire is monoecious in intuirs i e, it beurs both the male and female Mowers on the same plant. There are six stamens and contain many pollen grains that are spherical in shape. With the application of good ſerulizer uccompanied by pollination, the trees bear mature fruits in 12. months of planting for dwarf varieties. The fruits develop from a Incarpellary ovary und are drupe. The outer layer is called the pericarp which is green initially, but turns brown upon drying and is 1 fibrous in nature; the endocarp is generally hard and fooms the shell. This endocarp encloses o soli white endosperin, which contains a big cavity filled with extracellular fluid. 2. Io not more tha seven (7) words provide a suitable title for the text above, (2 marks) 3. Sunimarise the passage in not more than one hundred (150) words. Your summary should he written in a paragraph (10 marks)

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