14.09.2021 • 

Please answer this!! 13 points! <3 Religion also made Egyptians feel secure. Like the people of Mesopotamia, they were polytheistic. Their most important gods were sun gods and land gods. They believed that the sun god had different forms and names, depending on his role. Two names for the sun god were Atum and Re. Egyptian rulers had the title Son of Re, because they were seen as earthly forms of Re. Two of the river and land gods were Osiris and Isis. Osiris was a symbol of resurrection (coming back to life). A famous Egyptian myth says that Osiris was killed by his brother Seth, who cut his body into pieces and threw them into the Nile. Osiris’s wife, Isis, found the pieces, and she and the other gods brought Osiris back to life. Egyptians believed that they could be reborn after they died, like Osiris.

Which gods were most important to the Egyptians?

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