19.05.2021 • 

Please help 2. PART B: Which detail from the text best supports the answer to Part A? A. “Not because of the drill, but because entering the square would bring her son — already alarmed by the thousand-strong cries of ‘Long live Kim Il-sung! Long live North Korea!’ — face-to-face with the terrifying Eobi.” (Paragraph 7)
B. “Gyeong-hee’s laughter finally burst forth, a hearty guffaw that she could not control. She laughed so long and so loud that Myeong-shik whimpered in alarm, and the secretary began to look somewhat cowed.” (Paragraph 46)
C. “‘That’s enough!’ she snapped as soon as she had the chance. ‘I don’t know what went wrong at work that’s put you in this mood, but I haven’t the time to stand here and be lectured at.’” (Paragraph 75)
D. “‘Stop this useless brooding, Comrade! You dare to think your punishment unjust? When you’re given an order you follow it, without exception. Without exception, do you hear? Don’t you know to whom this city belongs?’” (Paragraph 124)

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