05.11.2020 • 

Please help, I need you to summarize this... This is about the third crusade I will mark brainliest!
In the mid-12th century, the Turkic ruler Saladin rose to lead the Seljuks and succeeded in uniting the fragmented Muslim armies of Southwest Asia and North Africa. To Saladin, the Christian armies were the infidels that had to be evicted. When Saladin’s forces took Jerusalem, the call went out across Europe to launch another crusade. Three kings came forward—Emperor Frederick Barbarossa of Germany, King Phillip II of France, and King Richard I of England, later known as Richard the Lionheart. However, this crusade achieved little. Frederick Barbarossa died along the way, and Phillip returned to Europe after the capture of Acre in 1191. Only Richard the Lionheart remained to lead the Christian armies. Richard led many campaigns against Jerusalem. However, he failed to retake the city. In 1192, Richard and Saladin reached a truce. According to this peace treaty, Saladin’s Muslim empire kept control of Jerusalem but granted Christians the right to visit the city and their shrines. Saladin and Richard the Lionheart never met face to face. However, their deeds inspired numerous legends.

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