19.05.2021 • 

PLEASE HELP "So vast is the Territory of North America, that it will require many Ages to settle it fully; and till it is fully settled, Labor will never be cheap here, where no Man continues long a Laborer for others but gets a [farm] of his own. No Man continues long [an apprentice] to a Trade, but goes among those new Settlers and sets up for himself, &c. ...

"The Danger, therefore, of these Colonies interfering with their Mother Country in Trades that depend on Labor, Manufactures, &c. is too remote to require the Attention of Great Britain.

"But in Proportion to the Increase of the Colonies, a vast Demand is growing for British Manufactures, a glorious Market wholly in the Power of Britain, in which Foreigners cannot interfere, which will increase in a short Time even beyond her Power of supplying, tho' her whole Trade should be to her Colonies. Therefore Britain should not too much restrain Manufactures in her Colonies. A wise and good Mother will not do it. To distress is to weaken, and weakening the Children weakens the whole Family."

Using the excerpt, respond to parts a, b, and c.

a.Briefly describe an argument made in the excerpt.

b. Briefly explain how an economic event or development from before 1750 that is not explicitly mentioned in the excerpt could be used to support an argument in the excerpt.

c. Briefly explain how a specific economic development from 1800 to 1850 changed the circumstances described in the excerpt.

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