01.05.2021 • 

PLEASE HELP! What is the historical context of this document? 1. REAGAN BLAMES 'GREAT SOCIETY' FOR ECONOMIC WOES

ASHLAND, Ohio, May 9— President Reagan said tonight that food stamps, the minimum wage, Federal urban renewal and the entire array of Great Society programs enacted in the 1960's had destroyed the economy and made Americans poorer than they were 15 years ago. He also likened the rise of government programs in the last 50 years to the ''abuse of power'' by King George III that brought on the Revolution. The President said ''the central political error of our time'' was the Democrats' view that ''government and bureaucracy'' was ''the primary vehicle for social change.''
By STEVEN R. WEISMAN, Special to the New York Times Published: May 10, 1983

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