09.03.2021 • 

PLEASE HELPP Instructions: Your job is to write a first person letter as if you were a soldier who participated in the D-Day invasion during World War II. You are going to write a BEFORE the invasion letter and an AFTER the invasion letter. Your letter needs to be
addressed to a family member who lives back in your home country. The first letter will be about the progress of World War
II and the plans for D-Day. The second letter will be about your experiences during D-Day, your survival and victory.
= Beaches of Normandy France under the control of Nazi Germany
Countries Involved = United States + Great Britain + France + Australia vs. Germany
Things to think about for the 1st
Describe how much of Europe
was controlled by Germany.
Describe where you are and
what you are going to do.
Describe the strategy behind
the D-Day invasion?
Describe the risk that is
Explain why D-Day is so
important and why it is worth
the risk.
End the letter by what the
person should do if you don't
make it out alive.

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