29.10.2020 • 

Plshelp In a recent poll, less than 10 percent of American adults knew why the Bill of Rights was written! Something must be done to inform people, and you are just the person to do it. You will take on the role of someone who has recently been granted U.S. citizenship. Use your imagination to create your own name and story. As a new citizen, you are excited about the freedoms and rights that your new government protects. You would like to help other citizens, including immigrants like you, understand what these rights mean. Step 1 Research: To share your knowledge of the Bill of Rights with others, you will create a public service announcement that will appear around your community. A public service announcement is a message in the public interest distributed without charge, with the goal of raising awareness, changing public attitudes and behavior towards a social issue. Review the 10 amendments and explore examples of public service announcements to get started! To read the text of all 10 amendments visit the Bill of Rights Institute To see examples of public service announcements (PSAs), visit the Ad Council website Step 2 Prepare: Remember that you need to attract people’s attention with a catchy phrase or title. Then you need to keep their attention by being direct and creative. Reading or watching a PSA should take only a minute of people’s time. The public service announcement should include: Your imaginary name An explanation, in your own words, of one of the first 10 amendments to the Constitution An explanation, in your own words, of why it is important for a person to know the amendment you chose An example of how the amendment would be used today Sample explanation of the Tenth Amendment (you can not use this one) The Tenth Amendment limits the power of the federal government by giving certain powers to the states. For example, the Constitution does not give the federal government the power to create schools. That means that states have the power, and the responsibility, to create schools. It is important for citizens to know this amendment so they can ask either the state or national government for something they need. For example, if people wanted class sizes to be smaller, they would need to ask the governor and legislature of their state—not the president—to make a law. Step 3 Present: You can choose to present your public service announcement in many different formats. Here are a few suggestions to get you started. Brochure: Create a brochure about the Bill of Rights. Your brochure should be made on paper folded in thirds. You may use a computer program to create the brochure and use photos or drawing tools for illustrations. (Google Drawing or Google Slides are best for this) Television spot: Create a television spot about the Bill of Rights. Consider what images and information will best inform your viewers. Your television spot should be one to two minutes long. Podcast: Create a podcast about the Bill of Rights. Your podcast should be one to two minutes long. Consider how your tone of voice and possible sound effects might enhance your content. Poster: Create a poster about the Bill of Rights. Consider using photos or drawing tools to illustrate your poster. (Google Drawings if using technology for this) Your public service announcement must be typed. If you choose to create a video or podcast, the script should be typed and submitted as well. Grading Rubric The work contains all of the required elements: An imaginary name A catchy title or opening phrase Correct explanation of amendment in the student’s own words Explanation of why the amendment is important for citizens to know, written in the student’s own words. A correct example of how the Amendment would be used today Clear, accurate explanation of amendment Correct application of amendment to one or more relevant, current examples Clear, accurate explanation of why the amendment is important for students to know The work is well organized, easy to read and comprehend. It has few spelling or grammar errors.

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