13.10.2020 • 

PLSSS HELP>>> Source 1 (modified): William M. Kelso- Jamestown: The Buried Truth. "The American dream was born on the banks of the James River… By 1620s, in spite of a mortality rate that was still as high as seventy-five or eighty per cent, the Virginia economy was booming. Hence the American dream: arrive empty-handed, work hard, and get rich." Source 2 (modified): Our Town- Jill Lepore "Jamestown as the birthplace of the American nightmare: with corporate funding from wealthy investors (the Virginia Company), steal somebody else’s land (the Powhatan’s) and reap huge profits by planting and harvesting an addictive drug (tobacco, whose sales were responsible for the boom), while exploiting your labor force (poor Britons and, after 1619, Africans)." Discussion Questions: How do the accounts above relating to the founding of Jamestown differ? Which quote do you think is a better representation of the founding of Colonial America? You can choose both if you wish. P

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