10.09.2020 • 

Point) Refer to the excerpt below.
"Whereas notwithstanding divers acts made for the encouragement of the
navigation of this kingdom, ... great abuses are daily committed to the prejudice of
the English navigation, and the loss of a great part of the plantation trade to this
kingdom, by the artifice and cunning of ill-disposed persons; for remedy whereof for
the future.
II. Be it enacted, ... no goods or merchandises whatsoever shall be imported into, or
exported out of, any colony or plantation ... or carried from any one port or place in
the said colonies or plantations to any other, any ship or bottom but what is or
shall be of the built of England, ... or the said colonies or plantations, and wholly
owned by the people thereof."
-- Navigation Act of April 10, 1696
(Q) Which of the following activities from the mid- to late 19th century most closely
parallels the motivations in the document above?
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