17.10.2020 • 

Question refers to the excerpt below. "That was a war of National defence, required for the vindication of the National rights and honor, and demanded by the indignant voice of the People. President [James] Madison … at first, reluctantly and with great doubt and hesitation, brought himself to the conviction that it ought to be declared. … It was a just war, and its great object, as announced at the time, was 'Free Trade and Sailors Rights,' against the intolerable and oppressive acts of British power on the ocean. The justice of the war, far from being denied or controverted, was admitted by the Federal party, which only questioned it on considerations of policy. … How totally variant is the present war! This is no war of defence, but one of unnecessary and of offensive aggression. It is Mexico that is defending her fi re-sides, her castles and her altars, not we. And how different also is the conduct of the Whig party of the present day from that of the major part o

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