28.04.2021 • 

Questions 29-30 For each of us, as for the robin in Michigan or the salmon in the Miramichi, this is a problem of ecology,
of interrelationships, of interdependence. We poison the caddis flies in the stream and the salmon runs
dwindle and die. We spray our elms and the following springs are silent of robin song, not because we
sprayed the robins directly but because the poison traveled, step by step, through the now familiar
elm leaf-earthworm-robin cycle. These are matters of record, observable, part of the visible world around us."

Rachel Carson. Silent Spring, 1962

29. Why would Carson say what she does in the excerpt above?

The growth of higher education throughout the country

The increase in government regulation of natural resources like mining techniques

The soil of the Great Plains is no longer useful

More homes are being built in suburban areas of the country where land was not used before

30. Which of the following historical developments most directly resulted from the trend described in the excerpt?

The election of Ronald Regan as president in 1980 with the rise of the moral majority

The Supreme Court decisions expanding individual freedoms in the 1960s and 1970s

The passage of new immigration laws in 1965

The emergence of environmental activism in the 1970s

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