23.12.2020 • 

Questions from Bury My Heart at Wounded Knee (2007) How does the U.S. Government push Native American tribes into signing treaties?
Which country helps the Sioux by giving them advice and supplies?
Why does Ohiyesa’s father assimilate?
List some transformations Ohiyesa had to go through to conform to assimilation.
Why do you think the teacher won’t recognize Ohiyesa until he takes a Christian name?
What did it mean Charles said that there is no one can "own the earth"? How is the concept of “ownership” different between Native Americans cultures and the US Government?
What does the Senator Dawes & U.S. Government plan to do if the Sioux do not accept the treaty?
Instead of assimilating, what does Charles wish he would’ve done?
Who has a better claim to the Dakotas? The Native Americans or the US Government? Why?
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