31.07.2019 • 

Read the following excerpt from a proclamation made by the petrograd soviet of workers’ deputies after the march revolution. then answer the questions that follow. “the old regime has brought the country to ruin and the population to famine. . . . the old power must be completely crushed to make way for popular government. in that lies the salvation of russia. in order to succeed in this struggle for democracy, the people must create their own governmental organ. yesterday, march 12, there was formed at the capital a soviet of workers’ deputies, made up of representatives of factories, mills, revolted troops, and democratic and socialistic parties and groups. the soviet. . has set for itself as its main task to organize the popular forces. . the soviet has appointed commissars to establish the people’s authority in the wards of petrograd. we invite the entire population of the capital to rally at once to the soviet, to organize local committees in their wards and to take into their hands the management of local affairs. all together, with our forces united, we will fight to wipe out completely the old government.” according to the proclamation, how should people reach this goal?

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