16.02.2022 • 

Read the following passages and then answer the question. Like World War I, World War II erupted in Europe but came to involve many of the nations of the world. By the war's end, millions of people, both military and civilian, had died. Large areas of Europe were in ruins, and the economies of nations were collapsed. The boundaries of Europe were redrawn, and a new international organization, the United Nations, was created in an effort to prevent any future world wars.
During the Cold War, the United States and the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics (USSR, or Soviet Union) embraced competing ideologies. While the United States embraced democratic values and capitalism, or free market economics, the Soviet Union favored communism and government-controlled economic policies. The United States and the Soviet Union never engaged in direct military conflict with each other, however, they did support opposing sides in limited wars throughout the world.
Which theme is represented in the passages?

Rule of Law
Technological Innovation
Individuals, Groups, and Institutions
Conflict and Change
Distribution of Power
Production, Distribution, and Consumption

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