18.06.2021 • 

Read the passage and answer the question below. “By the middle of the sixteenth century, the Spanish state . . . was creating a political, economic, and institutional framework . . . which consisted of two separate but interrelated politics or ‘republics,’ the Indian and the Spanish, [and] was one of the most distinctive aspects of Spanish colonial rule. It essentially allowed for the political and socioeconomic subordination of the indigenous people at the same time that it granted them a special status as Christian vassals of the Crown of Castile. According to Spanish colonial ideology, the native people’s acceptance of the Catholic faith made them into a spiritually favored and unsullied population with their voluntary subjection to the Castilian monarch earned them rights similar to those enjoyed by natives of Spanish kingdoms.” -Source: María Elena Martínez, historian, Genealogical Fictions: Limpieza de Sangre, Religion, and Gender in Colonial Mexico, 2008 Which of the following cultural and social shifts resulted most directly from the trends described in the excerpt? Choose 1 Choose 1

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